Ein Stein mit dem Schimmer einer Blume
Elton John - Turn The Lights Out When You Leave

Your bags out on the bed
Your closet's all cleared out
You say you're goin' to Jacksonville
'Cause our love's all worn out
You're searching in my eyes
To try and find a tear
But the well of my forgiveness
Has dried up with the years

You might still look pretty *
In that lacey little dress
But I think you've got your signals crossed
If you think that I'm a mess

I ain't gonna die, I ain't gonna cry *
I won't wear my heart out on my sleeve
You can take the car, but you won't break my heart
Oh and darlin' turn the lights out when you leave
I ain't gonna shake, I ain't gonna break
I ain't gonna fall down on my knees
So if everything's been said I'm heading back to bed
Oh and darlin' turn the lights out when you leave

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* Мои фэйворит строки.

@темы: Нравится, Я и мир, Чего расскажу (покажу)!